Friday 6 March 2009

Ask for a referral when you lose a sales pitch

Yes, surprisingly perhaps, this can be a very good time to ask for a referral. Why? Because if you have got as far as the presentation or pitching stage, the probability is that the prospect likes you and what you have to offer. It may be that this liking is not enough to buy from you on the day - but it should be enough for you to ask for a 'favour' - a relatively small and cost-free one - i.e. for a referral.
From your point of view, you have got so far, and spent all this time on the proposal and perhaps two meetings - isn't it worth trying to retrieve something from the situation?
So, once it is clear the sales prospect has declined your offer, you might ask: "Well I am sorry we can't help you on this occasion, do you have any contacts who might have a need for our services?"
There is certainly a chance that the prospect might know someone who fits the bill. If you don't ask, the prospect is not going to think about this on your behalf. So ask. It takes some practice so that you feel comfortable with this tactic.
In fact, this should become part of your routine post-sales process:
1. Ask and find out exactly why you did not win the business, and
2. Ask for a referral

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